Harlington Solicitors Family Law Luton & Bedfordshire

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Whether you are married, have a civil partner or are simply living with someone, you probably never thought you would need legal advice from family law solicitors.

Divorce or relationship breakdown can be very emotional and stressful but you can rely on Harlington Solicitors for genuine support and straightforward advice to help you make important decisions, from your initial meeting with one of our expert lawyers and throughout.

We aim to provide clear and cost-effective family law advice to guide you through the process and help you find the best route.

Harlington Solicitors are able to navigate the delicate nature of family law matters, often emotional matter that needs professional navigation and work towards a practical conclusion. 

We understand the difficulty and emotion involved with any legal matter related to your family, so we treat your case with the sensitivity and care it requires.

Our divorce and family law solicitors can help you understand your rights and responsibilities, whether personally, legally or financially for you and your family.

Our expert solicitors can facilitate conciliation and negotiation through communication while minimising confrontation and impact upon other family members.

We can also support more specific circumstances, including premarital agreements, custody arrangements and asset distribution.

Following an initial consultation, we’ll work with you and keep you informed at each stage of your case, so you always know what’s going on. This means we work towards an outcome you’re comfortable and happy with.

Some of the issues we deal with at Harlington Solicitors include:

  • Divorce
  • Separation
  • Matrimonial Home Rights
  • Family Mediation
  • Child Contact Orders
  • Child Residence Orders
  • Injunctions
  • Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
  • Financial settlements
  • Civil Partnerships

We take pride in our high level of client care and communication, and we will, of course, consult with you consistently to make you aware of developments in your case and potential cost implications.